Priest Prof. Dr. Dragan Ašković

Basic Information

  • Date of Birth: November 1, 1966, in Ub
  • Education:
    • Graduated from Vladimir Ilyich Lenin High School in Valjevo
    • Graduated from the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade
    • Graduated from the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade
    • Earned a Master's degree at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade
    • Defended his doctoral thesis in ethnomusicology at the University of Banja Luka
  • Ordination:
    • Ordained as a deacon on October 14, 1996, in Valjevo by Metropolitan Longin of New Gracanica
    • Ordained as a presbyter on February 19, 2023, in Belgrade by the Serbian Patriarch Pоrfirija
  • Duties:
    • Associate Professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade
    • Spiritual advisor at the Church of Saint Apostle and Evangelist Mark
  • Patron Saint:
    Saint John the Baptist