Archimandrite Nektarije (Đurić)

Basic Information

  • Date of Birth: June 2, 1985, in Čačak
  • Education:
    • Graduated from the Gymnasium in Čačak
    • Graduated from the Theological Faculty in Belgrade
  • Ordination:
    • Received monastic vows on Christmas Eve 2016 at the Žitomislić Monastery by the hand of Metropolitan Grigorije
    • Ordained as a hierodeacon on January 6, 2016, at the Žitomislić Monastery by the hand of Metropolitan Grigorije
    • Ordained as a hieromonk on January 13, 2019, in Niš by the hand of Metropolitan Arsenije of Niš
  • Duties:
    • Since November 1, 2021, serving as the chief secretary of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church
    • Since September 15, 2022, the head of the Church of Saint Apostle Evangelist Mark
  • Patron Saint:
    Discovery of the relics of Saint Archdeacon Stephen